Sunday, November 15, 2009

All I want for you :)

What a weekend. Better yet, what a month. It is only half-way into November and I have officially survived my first 'Nor'Easter.' Don't be fooled by the name. It has nothing to do with Easter.

Rain. Wind. Debris. Trees.

All. Day. Long.

Several. Days. Straight.

It was really crazy! Everything was closed down. Even the NAVY base was closed! Trust me, I am not complaining about that - but holy cow this place just filled up like a fish tank! 'What, never seen rain before Jessica?' You ask, but indeed I have. I just never thought I would drown in it if I went outside! However, thank goodness my apartment is 3 stories up, not a leak or a soaked carpet in sight.

At any rate - we are through it finally - and today I saw the sun! It was beautiful today too. About 70-something. Loved it.

So Auggie and I got iphones this weekend! I had to get a new phone plan since US Cellular is apparently a little tiny blip on VA's radar. Oh well - I got a really cool phone out of it. One I am addicted to by the way!

So once again, here we are - Auggie and I. He is playing Gears of War, and I decided to take a break from playing with the phone for a minute to write. I am getting excited for next month. We get to go home to see family and friends! I can't believe it. I haven't seen my dad or sissy in over 3 months. That is a long time for me! :( I miss em.

So that means Christmas!! Love love love Christmas. I love going to church and lighting candles and singing carols. I love drinking hot chocolate, and wearing Christmas socks. I love getting so many candy canes from everyone you don't know what to do with them. I especially love how everyone just seems to forget about violence and pain and suffering and just comes together and is really truly happy, even if only for a moment. It really is just a beautiful way to close out the year. I love waking up each day knowing that my life was a gift from God. I don't plan on letting him down. :)

This year is so special to me because last year I was totally on my own. Of course I always have my wonderful family; but last year I was on my own for a lot of things. Thanksgiving dinner last year I remember praying that Auggie would come home safe from deployment, and that I would be in his arms again. I woke up on Christmas morning last year by myself, and it was pretty much me and the kitty Shadow for the day. But this year - this year my prayers are answered and I have been truly blessed. I get to kiss my boyfriend every night, and every morning. I will have him this year for Thanksgiving, and Christmas. It's amazing how something so simple really means the world to someone. So this year I have him. I have him until the Navy decides they need his help in protecting our country again. So until then - Here's to hot chocolate and Christmas socks.

With Auggie, of course. :)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Who Knew...

Hi everyone:

Today is a blah day for me. Duty day's are always boring. But of course, there are always like a billion things to do around the house; I just can't get muster the ambition to do any of it today. But to justify that; I think everyone needs one of those 'lazy' days to just do nothing and take in the fact that you don't have to work. Makes me feel better every time. :) I also need to kill some time until dinner so I can order some Chinese. Yum.

So if you know me, then you know that I notice and/or appreciate a lot of the smaller things in life. Things that not everyone would really remember or see. And probably some of the more random things that are just silly to even think of in the first place.

Case in point:

The other day I was driving to work and my little shortcut street was closed down for two days. Normally that is not a problem for most people, but...believe it or not, I still do not have the streets around our apartment memorized yet. I mean, I have been driving them for over a month now, but for some reason we are located in the goofiest part of Newport News and none of it makes sense to me. I kept wanting to do the Wisconsinite thing and just figure out where the 'lake' is and go from there. I miss the lake. That always helped get me out of jam. No matter where you were in the entire state of Wisconsin; all you had to do is know where the lake was and poof! - you can easily navigate your way back home. I miss a lot of Wisconsin actually. I miss the fact that I used to live in 'America's Dairyland' and we were known for cows, and cheese and beer and cool stuff like that. I know it seems silly, but everything changes in a new state. I now live in a state where everyone likes the Redskins and the state bird is a Cardinal of all things. Oh and the fact that it was 80 degrees today and it's October 24th. Changes indeed.

I also miss the Green Bay Packers. Especially football Sunday's. I miss where we all get together and eat tons of snack foods and get decked out in all our Packer gear. And the fact that no one cared that we all looked like goofs shouting and screaming at the TV. And how Dad would sit every piece of Packer memorabilia he had right next to the TV proudly on display. Since I have been here, I have seen probably 3 different people so far that had on a Packer's jersey. They have become like little rare creatures to me and when I see one I just want to shout "Hey! I'm from Wisconsin too! Go Pack!" Unfortunately, this is what is has come down to. The Packers are the equivalent to Unicorns for me. :)

And lastly, I miss my family and friends back home. Especially these guys:

It can be kinda scary on your own sometimes and all you want is that little piece of familiarity to make you feel better. I miss seeing my Dad almost everyday. It's days like today when Auggie has Duty and is gone for over 24 hours that makes me realize how aside from the few friends I have made so far here; nothing beats being able to drive just 15 minutes to go see your sister.

Now on the opposite end of the spectrum -

Auggie and I were talking the other day about how I miss home sometimes and he said he thought that until I got used to things he thought I would be so miserable and unhappy to be away from home. But that really isnt the case at all. Of course I miss my home, but I moved here to fill a piece of my heart that was empty. And boy did I fill it. When I am missing home, I can just jump on the webcam and there they are. Auggie said the sweetest thing to me the other day and it couldn't be anymore true: "I'm glad you are not so sad being away from home; it means I can make you happy here." And he really does. It's me and him against the world.

Have a good evening everyone. I love and miss you all!!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

I Put A Spell On You...

Halloween is coming up. Fast. I normally am not too big on Halloween, but this year, it means so many wonderful things. Let me start gushing.

Halloween in and of itself is just a day. But this day signifies the kickoff of the 'Holiday Season.' That means starting November 1st, all the radio stations will be playing Christmas music, and all the department stores turn into jam-packed chicken coups. And of course, the poor guy that just happened to have a really long white beard gets voted to be Santa. I love it.

I love it because this is the first time I will be able to cook Thanksgiving dinner for Auggie and me. This is the first time we will be able to put up the Christmas tree together, etc. I love that I get to share those moments with him. It reasons like this that further solidify why I moved my butt down here.

But getting back to Halloween itself...we picked out a pumpkin at the Commissary the other day. We just carved it out too, and if I do say so myself, it is pretty awesome.

I don't really have a lot in the way of spooky decorations like random spiders, fog machines, or creepy spider webs. I have our cool looking Pumpkin and that's all I need. Oh, plus candy. Got to have the big bowl-o-candy.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

My first blog...:)

So here I am, just sitting at the computer trying to drown out the random quotes of 'Here take this!' and 'Watch Out!' from my boyfriend Auggie, playing Resident Evil 5. A game which he has not stopped playing since he finally was reunited with his big-screen TV. This would probably drive some girls crazy; but to me it means he his home, and safe and I am able to finally be with him. I don't care what he does. We are together.

Let me elaborate:

Auggie is in the Navy, and since he enlisted 2 years ago we have only been able to see each other a grand total of 2 months out of that time. Yeah, Houston-we have a problem.

So, I finally made the decision to move down to VA so we could actually have something that resembled a 'normal' relationship. Well, as 'normal' as you can get being a Navy girlfriend. And Viola! Here I am.

I also thought that since he has duty every so-many-days; I have a lot of free time around here. And since I love writing - this is a perfect way to avoid the couch and my nemesis; reality TV. Not to mention it's a good way to keep in touch with all my family and friends I left behind in Milwaukee, WI. So here I am - in Newport News, VA. I have been here now for about 1 1/2 months. It is still a little scary being a thousand miles away from 'home' but I love this life. I love our neighborhood, our apartment, our life, everything.

I also work for a very large company that has several locations Nationwide, so I was pretty lucky and was able to transfer my job down here. Very lucky indeed.

The excitement has not worn off yet - I sort of don't want it too. But here is the place to read about our lives, and what kind of trouble we are getting into. :)

Hope you enjoy!